Alchemiastory 1.0.25 + Data - Game Android
Rabu, 20 Juni 2018
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Game Online
World and magic and alchemy unites. Night before the Industrial Revolution people gather to the city, to avoid "mamonos" and as youths grow up, have to go on a journey. And the pendekar too, will go on a journey to defeat "Mao" around the world and to find where they belong...
- Creating character more freely
- Battle hard with easy commands!
- Solo-Player Mode
- Unforgettable story and characters!
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Kalian Bisa Bermain Dengan Layar Portrait atau Landscape
You can play with Screen Portrait or Landscape
AlchemiaStory 1.0.25
Blog CH Daimon Z
Install Data :
Data AlchemiaStory Kalian Extrak dan Copy Ke Penyimpanan Internal => Android => data
data AlchemiaStory you guys Extrak and Copy to Internal storage => Android => data
Data AlchemiaStory
Dunia dan sihir dan Alkimia menyatukan. Malam sebelum revolusi industri orang-orang berkumpul ke kota, untuk menghindari "mamonos" dan sebagai perjaka tumbuh, harus pergi pada perjalanan. Dan pahlawan juga, akan pergi pada perjalanan untuk mengalahkan "Mao" di seluruh dunia dan untuk menemukan mana mereka berada...
- Creating character more freely
- Battle hard with easy commands!
- Solo-Player Mode
- Unforgettable story and characters!
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