Download Network Meter Free for Windows

Network Meter offers plenty of details about your Internet's performance in an easy-to-install, stylish package. Though it won't tell you everything you might want to know like other desktop tools, it makes most of the details you'd need readily available and is extremely easy to customize. If you want a cool status center for your PC, you probably won't find a better one than this.

This program gives you a desktop widget with internal details about your computer's performance. It will tell you your IP address, whether or not you have a firewall and other security measures in place and even what your download and upload activity is. Since it only worries about your network, it won't tell you details about your memory or storage. You can customize every element of Network Meter's layout, including the color -- which lets you use HTML codes to get the exact color you want. The program will even give you an alert when it detects a sudden problem in your connection or Internet speed.

There isn't much this program won't help you find out when it comes to your Internet connection. It presents all of that info in a stylish, easy-to-read menu that doesn't interfere with your desktop's layout. Network Meter is about as good as it gets for desktop widgets, though you should look elsewhere if you need details about your memory or other internal parts.

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